When The Trump Family Business Became Politics by marilyn salenger

President Trump has boldly made the presidency an extension of his family business, crossing all boundaries and all lines because nobody has yet stopped him from doing so. Whether or not his two sons, Eric and Donald Jr. are currently ensconced in the White House, they're firmly attached to their father's hip running the other family business in New York. They reportedly speak frequently to their father. Daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are positioned with jobs inside the White House, knowing few boundaries while dealing with affairs of state. The Russia connection has now officially become a family affair by nature of how President Trump operates.

As far as Trump was concerned, positioning Hillary Clinton as crooked and untrustworthy was the key way he could win the 2016 presidential election. "Lock her up" was the chant he encouraged and with which he thrived. Anything to do with Russian interference in the 2016 election, however, is something that Trump has repeatedly said was a complete fabrication.

Trump lied then, and continues to lie now. The angry grandiosity of his claims remain a great cover up posing a great question mark in itself.

Hillary lost. Donald won. We have intelligence community confirmation that it was more than Trump supporters who helped him win the election. The story of Russian involvement in our election is being revealed almost daily as the result of top notch reporting, continuing investigations, and the Trump family themselves.

Using Twitter, the instant media drug of choice for the Trumps, Donald Trump Jr. has now affirmed his position as a focal point in the Russian saga. On July 11, Trump Jr. released details via tweets of his meeting with a Russian government connected lawyer alleging to have "damaging information about" Hillary Clinton. Donald Jr. came forward with the information as the New York Times was about to break the story. The meeting in Trump Tower took place after his father had won the nomination and included campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. 

Donald Jr. continued to publicly change the facts of this seemingly important meeting as the pressure on him increased. He did so, true to his father’s style, despite being positioned to take a significant part of the fall.

It should come as no surprise that Donald Jr. neglected to report his meeting with a Russian lawyer about the presidential campaign to the proper authorities, including the FBI. It's the way the Trump family business has operated. They've never had to report to anyone except the IRS and investors. Reporting information to the outside world has only come when Trump Sr. deemed it beneficial. 

President Trump and his kids knew little about what was to become the new family business of politics and governance when they began a quest for the presidency. It’s become obvious that they felt no need to learn all that goes into the jobs of running a campaign ethically and responsibly, let alone running our country.


Donald Trump's Women's Problem Just Got A Lot Worse by marilyn salenger

Photo by Gage Skidmore/ CC BY-2.0

Photo by Gage Skidmore/ CC BY-2.0

The President of the United States has historically served as an ex officio role model for younger generations. Donald Trump is a man who has shown by actions and words that he is unfit to be held in such esteem.

We hopefully raise our children to understand right from wrong and be respectful of others, whether you agree with them or not. Donald Trump is a child President who never learned that his perverse use of public profanity and crude remarks about women continue to demean the office he holds. As the leader of our country, Trump's public vulgarity is the antithesis of a role model for children, let alone anyone else.

Trump first showed us his ability to publicly take the crude to a new level during the 2016 presidential campaign. His cursing during rallies broke all norms of presidential candidate behavior. And he got away with it.

After the first presidential debate, Trump criticized Megyn Kelly for her questions on his previous misogynistic comments. His criticism of her moved to uncontrollable anger that went on to stun the country when he said:

“You could see that there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever. In my opinion she was off base.”

Trump crossed the line then, and continued to cross it today during MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program. He took his punching bag mentality to Twitter to criticize the show's hosts, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski - but especially Brzezinski. His words sink to the lowest level of bullying, and were done in two Tweets:

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..”

8:52 AM - 29 Jun 2017

“...to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

8:58 AM - 29 Jun 2017

Donald Trump's obsession with women and blood is beyond comprehension. His mouth is an unfiltered instrument used indiscriminately, especially when it comes to women. Trump’s "Access Hollywood" comments about his treatment of women were disgusting, but they took place before he became President. And he got away with it.

On June 29, 2017, Trump opened his mouth as President of the United States and talked in critical terms about a female journalist bleeding. This is not just a boys club remark. This is the leader of the free world speaking, and I feel sorry for all of us. He should not get away it.

Unfit for office has taken on a new meaning.








President Trump the Game Player by marilyn salenger

trump comey tweet 5.jpg

A presidential tweet on May 12, 2017 containing ominous words about former FBI Director James Comey and tapes set off a firestorm of speculation in Washington. President Trump found it acceptable to take 41 days after posting it to let everyone know it was false and misleading.

His new tweet on June 22 came one day before a congressional deadline for the White House to turn over information about possible recordings of conversations between Trump and former FBI Director James Comey. 

trump comey tweet 10.jpg

The implications of such tapes, if they existed, were significant. At its core lay the potential of hearing the truth concerning whether or not Trump, during a private meeting, told his FBI Director to shut down the investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 election. It goes to an impeachable offense. Obstruction of justice.

Trump has been playing dangerous games with this issue as if there are no consequences. When asked by reporters on June 9, 2017 if the tapes existed, he responded by saying, "Well, I’ll tell you something about that maybe sometime in the very near future."

One can try and be as objective as possible about Trump's behavior as president, but he makes that as difficult as possible by continually showing us his true colors. The man is a game player. It was one thing to operate that way as a private citizen, but quite another to carry that modus operandi into the White House. Slippery Donald is beginning to rival "tricky Dick" Nixon with his personal manipulation of the truth. 

On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 officials from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security confirmed that Russia hackers targeted 21 states during the 2016 election. As frightening as that information is, Trump refuses to acknowledge any Russian interference despite statements of fact. The looming large question remains, why?

trump comey tweet 12.jpg

Trump is choosing to lead by innuendo and lies. That fact is now directly confirmed by his latest tweets and fabrications about tape recordings that never existed between he and James Comey. If the president doesn't realize it by now, lies and malicious innuendo will come back to haunt him.

Trump Style of Governing: How Much Can I Get Away With? / Reposted from January 12, 2017 by marilyn salenger

Photo by Gage Skidmore/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Photo by Gage Skidmore/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Whether it's Russia, tax returns, conflicts of business interests, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, his sons, a lack of complete vetting for cabinet nominees or his use of Twitter, Donald Trump is approaching his presidency by pushing the boundaries of laws, traditions and norms. We have a President-Elect who remains combative with a clear reluctance to let go of his campaign mode of operation. I won. Therefore I am.

President-Elect Trump will either rise to the occasion of assuming the presidential mantle, or he will sink. There seems to be little middle ground for a man who has come up in the world working hard to get his own way, although not always succeeding.

Interspersed with the glitter that's an integral part of his life, Donald Trump and his team have created a transition period filled with strategic chaos being felt around the world. Surrogates continue to be put out front explaining what Trump really meant to say to those who still might have any questions, knowing that a morning Tweet could undo anything previously said. A rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, no matter what your party, does not a smooth transition make, and the public appears to be feeling its affects.

The majority of Americans, according to the latest Pew Research survey, give President-Elect Trump "low marks for how he is handling the transition process".  There continues to be "widespread concern" about potential conflicts of interest, and his tax returns remain a bigger issue than he lets on. While Trump still refuses to release the tax returns that would provide a factual accounting of his financial interests, 60% of Americans now believe that he has a responsibility to do so. This runs contrary to the President-Elect's repeated comments that the only people interested in his tax returns are the news media. He once again attacked reporter's questions on the subject at his news conference on January 11, 2017, dismissing them outright. Both the reporters and their questions. 

The level of Donald Trump's continued anger and disrespect for the news media and most anything he doesn't like that they report, sets a dangerous course going forward. A President doesn't have to agree with all that is written or said about him, but freedom of the press acts as a critical check and balance on our government. It stands as the First Amendment to our Constitution for a reason. Not since Richard Nixon have we had a man, soon to become President, continually attack the media with such vitriolic vehemence. It has the ability to signal red flags ahead. 

President-Elect Donald Trump is a man showing intent to govern in a way that reflects a desire and nature to try and get away with as much as he can until he receives insurmountable push back. We have a strong responsibility to our nation and ourselves to make sure all checks and balances, whether it's Congress or the media, are in strong working order and are held accountable. There's too much at stake.

Trump Presidency Is Dragging Us Down by marilyn salenger

Photo by Gage Skidmore/CC By-SA2.0

Photo by Gage Skidmore/CC By-SA2.0

I now understand why watching dog and cat videos online has become so popular. These wonderful critters simply make us feel a little better no matter what, and as a country we sure need something to smile about.

Four months of Donald Trump's time in office have left us reeling. The intensity of the daily dose of stress emanating from the White House is taking a toll greater than I believe most anyone expected. He talks the talk and walks the walk of a man who, as I noted months ago, is out of his league. The stakes were high when we elected a man with no governing experience as President. They have now reached close to a number 9.0 on the Richter Scale.

Diplomacy is not conducted like a business. Government is not just about brokering deals. The nuance so badly needed in a president is something that comes with experience and knowledge, neither of which our President has shown interest in accumulating. 

Our allies are questioning the future sharing of intelligence with the United States after Trump's unfathomable breech of sharing classified information during his White House meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. One day after firing FBI Director James Comey, Putin apparently called Trump asking for the meeting, and now appears emboldened by the move. President Trump is reeling from its fallout. 

Russia and Trump. This is the relationship that stands out above all else in the Trump administration, and it will become its historic marker. No matter what Russia is accused of doing to challenge our democracy, the president continues to view them as an ally and treat them as a partner. They have become the diversion extraordinaire.

None of this makes us feel good or tended to. The polls that Trump used to love to tout are blasting out numbers bound to haunt him. The latest poll released by Public Policy Polling shows nearly half (48%) of Americans now say they support impeachment proceedings for the president. That in itself is astounding but not unexpected. 

We're reaching a limit as to how much we can take. President Trump has become a walking crisis machine, and our country deserves better. We have been floundering in the midst of too many days of crisis and too few days of governance under his so-called leadership.

The appointment of Robert Mueller, a former FBI Director under Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama, as special counsel sets the underlying tone going forward. With investigations into the alleged involvements by Russia in the 2016 election and Trump's campaign as well as the potential of presidential obstruction of justice, the Trump White House has been compromised. His presidency has reached a critical turning point, and we can't even be sure that he recognizes it. The incompetence level continues to shock.


"I Am Not A Crook" - Second Generation by marilyn salenger

May 10, 2017 President Donald Trump and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak/Russian Embassy photo

May 10, 2017 President Donald Trump and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak/Russian Embassy photo

President Trump's extraordinary move firing FBI Director James Comey in the midst of an investigation into potential Russian involvement with Trump aides and the 2016 election has ramifications that are only beginning to unfold. Comey is the second FBI Director to ever be fired. Trump’s action has potentially set up his own downfall. 

As timelines continue to unfold, it's becoming clear that Trump apparently made the decision to fire the FBI Director after learning of Comey's request for increased resources to continue the Russia investigation. President Trump was aware Federal prosecutors had recently issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

It’s a swirl of presidential firings and investigations that repeatedly focus on Russia. Trump is doing whatever he can to shut them down.

On Monday the president, along with the rest of the country, watched the testimony of two additional people he's fired, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. They appeared before a Senate Judiciary Committee not only providing details about Flynn, but revealing the intelligence community was looking into Trump's business ties to Russia. 

The plausibility of President Trump's continued denials of Russian involvement in the election or his business dealings has become increasingly difficult to believe. The man doth protest too much. He went so far as to allude to his innocence in the second paragraph of his curtly worded termination letter sent to James Comey:

"May 9, 2017

Dear Director Comey,

I have received the attached letters from the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General of the United States recommending your dismissal as the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I have accepted their recommendation and you are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately.

While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the Bureau.

It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors,

Donald J. Trump"

President Trump has let his paranoid insecurity show to the world in a historically important action. It is something we have witnessed before in a president, and it did not turn out well.

President Richard Nixon's well documented paranoia took over during the Watergate investigation even though the actual Watergate events did not involve the firing of then FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. The three times Trump's letter states his thanks to Comey for letting him know that he's not under investigation is as close as you can come to Nixon's now infamous words that preceded his downfall.

On November 18, 1973, President Nixon held a news conference defending his record in the Watergate case, and stating he had never profited from his years in public service.

“I have earned every cent. And in all of my years of public life I have never obstructed justice.”

“People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got.”

Reading The Washington Post reporting of that event now becomes slightly eerie:

“Mr. Nixon was tense and sometimes misspoke. But he maintained his innocence in the Watergate case and promised to supply more details on his personal finances and more evidence from tapes and presidential documents.”

Summing up, he declared that the White House tape recordings would prove that he had no prior knowledge of the Watergate break-in, that he never offered executive clemency for the Watergate burglars, and in fact turned it down when it was suggested, and had no knowledge until March 21, 1973, of proposals that blackmail money be paid a convicted Watergate conspirator."

Nixon resigned from office on August 8th, 1974.

President Trump’s judgement is becoming clouded. The morning after firing former FBI Director Comey, he began his day meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador, Sergei Kislyak, who has been a focal point in the Russian investigation. The only way we found out about the strange meeting was through pictures taken by Russia’s state news agency and put on Twitter. No American journalists were allowed in.

And if that wasn't enough mingling with the wrong people at the wrong time, the president held another White House meeting shortly after with Richard Nixon's former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. All within a matter of hours. The photo op of President Trump sitting next to Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office with investigations focusing on yet another White House feeds the worst fears of a presidency in danger. 



A Unique Anniversary of Gender Equality by marilyn salenger

Religions have not always been known for equal opportunity practices. They remain the focus of an evolutionary process of defining the growing roles for women in each faith. As a Jewish woman born to parents who believed that girls should have the same opportunities as boys long before it was fashionable, today is an important marker in my personal and spiritual life that creates unique historic perspective. Sixty years ago on May 3, 1957, I became one of the early girls in the country to have a Bas Mitzvah.

It was the first Bas Mitzvah in our small Jewish community in northern Indiana. Don't get carried away thinking it was about the party. In fact there really wasn't one, but instead a very special small reception with four generations of our family surrounded by friends in the downstairs hall of our synagogue. I vivdly recall my cake being like something I had never seen. A beautiful opened Bible. The entire event was considered almost radical at the time with my parents forging brave new terriority as a young couple. I remember them asking me how I felt about having a Bas (spelling eventually changed to Bat) Mitzvah and obviously saying "Yes, I'll study". They then set about having to convince the Rabbi, my father's father who was a founding member of the B'Nai Israel synagogue, the Board (all men), and the Board of Education over which my father presided. My mother pulled in her own clout as head of the synagogue women's organization.

My mother and father were quite a team. They worked hard to assure the traditionalists that tradition would be upheld which meant that it wouldn't be like a traditional boy's Bar Mitzvah that was held on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, and I wouldn't read from the sacred Torah in Hebrew as only the men in those years could do. They carefully crafted a scenario that allowed me to have a Bas Mitzvah at the age of 13 to be held on Friday night (the beginning of the Sabbath), read a separate portion of Hebrew scripture, lead some responsive reading and give a speech addressing the entire congregation. For a young girl to be allowed to stand on the Pulpit and lead and participate with such responsibility was indeed standing where no young girl in my hometown had stood before and where few across the country were standing. I was simply very nervous.  

Marking the right of passage into Jewish adulthood had long been a ceremony reserved only for boys. A Bar Mitvazh culminated a period of study after which a 13 year old boy came to the Synagogue and fully participated in the service. He then officially would be counted as part of the adult community and considered a man. Girls received no such community recognition and for many years were segregated into the women's gallery where they could listen and pray, separate from the men. The tradition of a Bar Mitzvah has come down through the ages. Until the 'ages' caught up with tradition.

On this day so many years ago I officially became a woman in the eyes of my religion just like the boys who took on their role. They may have gotten to wear their first suits, but I got to shop for a new dress with my mom. It was appropriately conservative and very pretty. The really big deal was the service.

My parents were smart. They made religion fun for my brother and I as well as an important part of our lives. They led by example fighting for what they believed in, and knowing that equality for everybody is an important part of life. Today I treasure it all as part of my living heritage.  




The Old Boy's Club: Bill, Roger and Donald by marilyn salenger

Yes, I have met Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes and Donald Trump. It was part of my life as a television newswoman in New York City in the '70's and '80's. The three men appear to have changed little since those days except for their increased amounts of power in business and enormous amounts of money earned. Today they are reunited in that special club of men who have been accused of sexually harassing women in their workplaces.

The media business has been a place of rampant sexual harassment for an embarrassing amount of time. And it's not the men who have been embarrassed, but the women left to deal with the consequences of their bad behavior. A woman’s choice has been to either keep what went on to herself, or speak up and risk losing her job and reputation. I should know. I was a victim of sexual harassment while in television news.

Victimized. There is no other way to describe how women feel when they are confronted at work with unwanted sexual propositions or innuendo, lewd behavior, or the subtlety of inappropriate words and actions by men.

The business of media is not alone in quietly fostering questionable environments for women. Other sectors of business, large and small, too often unofficially allow employees to sexually harass and victimize women. 

The old boys club mentality did not go out of existence with the "Madmen" era of the 50’s and 60’s. It carried over to the three high profile men, Bill, Roger and Donald, who came of age during that time and are now accused of allegedly sexually harassing women. The first to go down as a result of his apparent behavior was the former head of Fox News and long time Republican consultant, Roger Ailes. Ailes is 76 years old. Next to be outed for his outrageous behavior boasting about assaulting women on an Access Hollywood tape is Donald Trump. Months later he was elected President of the United States. Trump is 70 years old. Now it's Bill O'Reilly's turn to have his behavior toward women exposed for what it allegedly is. Disgusting. O'Reilly is 67 years old.  

All three men are friends. Trump hired Ailes as a campaign advisor after Ailes was fired by Fox. The president publicly came to O'Reilly's defense in an Oval Office interview with the New York Times describing O'Reilly as “a good person” adding, “I don’t think Bill did anything wrong,”

That's how the old boys club operates. Defend. Distract. Hire.

Millions of dollars have been paid to women who settled their cases with Fox News. $13 million was paid to women who accused O'Reilly of harassment. $20 million was paid to Gretchen Carlson formerly of Fox News.

Roger Ailes, the man who harassed Carlson and was her former boss, received $40 million as part of his “exit” package when he was fired by Fox News. And yes, millions more will be paid to Bill O'Reilly as part of his farewell financial reward. 

As for the third amigo, we'll probably never know how many claims President Donald Trump has quietly settled. It's absolutely worth quoting part of Donald Trump's 2005 recorded conversation with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush describing his actions with women:

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

“Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Money and power can buy a great deal. But not everything.

Thousands of women in every workplace where harassment is allowed to thrive receive no payment for grievances reported or kept private. It's a national outrage and tragedy. To women today I say ... Speak out. Speak up. Loudly.




Trump's Media Bashing As A Ploy by marilyn salenger

Marilyn Salenger private collection

Marilyn Salenger private collection

Once Donald Trump became president, his complex relationship with the media became inseparable from the news of the day. Trump has always been a man who loved the media spotlight while at the same time being conflicted about the role it played in his life. He often courted the New York City media going so far as to plant news stories about his personal or professional life when it suited him, and the media played along when it suited them.  A rather cozy affair until it wasn't. Those days are now over.

The White House is a stage not easily played, and freedom of the press is an amendment not taken lightly in Washington, D.C. A substantial group of journalists take their work quite seriously understanding they are charged with being the eyes and ears of our country. Questions are asked that produce answers that the public has a right to know.  

Politicians may not always like the press, but most understand reporters have a job to do. As president, Trump now views that job as a target to be used without discretion whenever it works to his advantage. The issue is not what he calls fake news. It’s that he can't stand criticism or anybody looking into his business. So media bashing is part of Trump’s play of the day.

What began on the campaign trail as a way to rev up his audiences, has translated to a declaration of a White House war on the media. His overt and very public disdain for journalists reached a peak when he called them "the enemy of the people". That’s a statement generally reserved for tyrants.

Trump purposely and strategically plants seeds of distrust with the words he uses in his rants against reporters. It's a sad and rather pathetic maneuver if it wasn't so dangerous. It’s become another weapon in his arsenal of distractions from the real substance at hand.

No matter whether it’s global conflicts or congressional investigations, the president remains committed to distraction and making headlines via his new favorite form of media, Twitter. At a news conference last month with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Trump talked about how he can use Twitter to his advantage saying, "I can get around the media when they don't tell the truth. I like that".    

The "truth" according to Trump is not, however, always the truth. He's no longer operating behind the closed doors of Trump Tower, but in the very public house that belongs to all of us. And we're not as dumb as some may think us to be.

According to a newly released report by Pew Research Center, Americans feel that the current relationship between Trump and the news media is hindering their access to political news. It's apparently not making people happy or feeling reassured, and these views cross almost every demographic group:

Large majorities of both Democrats and Republicans feel the relationship between Trump and the news media is unhealthy and that the ongoing tensions are impeding Americans’ access to important political news. 88% of Democrats say the relationship is unhealthy, as do 78% of Republicans.

If nobody else in Washington is crossing party lines, it's important to know the public is, at least for now, taking the lead. That's the most reassuring news I've heard in a while.

Our System Is Rising Up To Challenge Trump by marilyn salenger

Amidst the chaos Trump's presidency continues to create, one thing appears to be coming out the winner - the checks and balances set up by our democracy. As much as Donald Trump is trying to rule by dictate, the pushback has begun.

The Republican party successfully deepened its own party divisions by bungling their promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. What became their campaign battle cry has been defeated. The Freedom Caucus, the same hard line conservative group that pushed John Boehner out of the picture, has again made their voices loudly heard going up against Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and President Trump. They remained unsatisfied with the proposed healthcare bill wanting more drastic cuts, including an end to what’s called "essential health benefits".

Trump threw down the gauntlet and Republicans threw it back. Obamacare remains the healthcare law of the land. Our President has learned that using "Repeal and Replace" as a campaign slogan is a lot easier than turning it into reality.

We are seeing glimpses of a two party system at work again despite Republican control of the House and Senate. While fractious debate does not always lead to victory nor is it always the right course, Democrats appear determined to challenge the Trump nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the current Supreme Court vacancy.

President Trump's ban restricting travel from Muslim countries has twice been struck down by federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland. Despite a federal judge in Virginia recently backing the travel ban, the previous injunctions are said to remain unaltered. Trump is finding his use of executive orders not above the check and balance of our judicial branch of government.

Russia and Trump continue to be up front and personal despite Republican attempts to counter it. FBI Director James Comey has confirmed the FBI is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. The House and Senate Intelligence Committees are also conducting investigations into Russian involvement in the 2016 election, with the House Committee becoming increasingly politicized on the issue. The push for an independent investigation has become even stronger.

President Donald Trump is watching his poll numbers drop to their lowest point, hitting a 37% approval rating. The same poll showed 60% of Americans believing the President is dishonest. For a man who has a devoted love of poll numbers and ratings, a wake up call should replace his early morning Tweets.